Program Overview
In the law firm world, time is a luxury that you don’t often have.
Clients and colleagues want your work product now. So no matter your practice area, you want to start the writing process quickly, write efficiently once you get started, then deliver a clear and accurate final product. Join Ben Opipari for an interactive program that’ll help you write more efficiently while minimizing mistakes. As a published writer, he’ll share actionable strategies on ways you can make every stage of the writing process—from outlining to proofreading—fast, efficient, and accurate.
Sample Topics:
Tips for organized outlining
How to increase your writing speed
The art of re-vision, not revision
Five easy ways to make your writing clearer
Don’t revise while you write (that is, sentence by sentence). One, you’ll crush your momentum as a thinker, slowing your writing process. Two, you revise in a vacuum, making changes to sentences without any context of what’s around them. And when you do this, your sentences will invariably look the same, both in structure and word choice.