program overview
“I’m going to spend my day binge reading emails!” said no one ever.
You spend a good part of your day writing emails. This means someone else spends a good part of their day reading them. And let’s face it: most people don’t want to read most of what you or me or anyone writes. Because of the sheer number of emails we get each day, a concise message is critical. But so is organization and even how the email looks, because no one wants to read a giant block of text. Especially when it’s on a phone. Join Ben Opipari for this special 60 minute seminar on how to make your emails more bearable.
Sample Topics:
getting rid of jargon
subject lines that get noticed
how to open and how to close
making use of white space and formatting
sentence variety
creating action items
All emails should follow a simple premise: what’s the least amount your reader needs to read before they can stop reading?