
Everything you write should be persuasive. This is the premise behind Persuasive Matters. Effective persuasive writing puts your readers in a different state of mind, either emotionally or intellectually. If it doesn't, it's a waste of time.




A court motion is persuasive. But so is a letter to a client: there’s the inherent persuasive element when you convince your client of a point, but the quality of the writing itself also demonstrates that you're thorough, credible, and trustworthy. The same goes for a transactional document: if it's slipshod, readers will question your accuracy and attention to detail. Even something as simple as an attorney’s biography on a firm’s website is persuasive. While it’s just a set of facts, it persuades people of your expertise.

That's why everything you write is persuasive: clear and concise writing persuades your reader that you are credible and authoritative.

To show you how to write persuasively, Ben Opipari offers interactive and engaging writing programs as well as individual coaching. For five years, Ben was the in-house writing instructor at a Washington, DC based international law firm, where he was a member of the professional development department. He has twenty-five years of teaching experience on the university and corporate levels. His programs cover the entire writing process, using powerful writing examples from different areas so you’ll see what effective persuasive writing looks like.

Download a copy of the 2019 Persuasive Matters writing programs below

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programs for all levels and practice areas



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